Learn about the ecoBiz Snapshot Tool


What is the carbon snapshot? 

A carbon snapshot is an approximation of carbon emissions related to your energy, water and waste data you provided as part of your ecoBiz partnership assessment. This data is then calculated using the ecoBiz carbon tool to gather your carbon snapshot.  

It is useful as a starting point to your carbon emissions measurement journey and can help you make better informed decisions in relation to your carbon emissions. It is different from a comprehensive carbon footprint.


How do I get a carbon snapshot for my business? 

In order to get your carbon snapshot, you must: 

Step 1: Register for the ecoBiz program 

Step 2: You will be requested to provide your energy, water and waste bills covering 1 year period 

Step 3: Undertake a free coaching session to identify ways to reduce your energy, water and waste bills 

Step 4: One year after your coaching session, you will be requested to provide another set of energy, water and waste bills covering a new 1-year period for comparison. 

Step 5: This will be used to conduct a Partnership Assessment in which you will receive insights on your progress towards reducing your bills as well as your carbon snapshot and progress in reducing your emissions. 


Why go through the process of getting a carbon emissions snapshot?

The carbon tool provides carbon emission estimates in relation to energy, water and waste to allow a business to make more informed decisions in order to reduce their emissions as well as track their progress in those specific resources. These figures are provided in your partnership assessment report and will allow you to identify carbon hotspots, i.e., areas that contribute the most to your carbon emissions.  

This can be very useful for your business to prioritise strategies that will have the most impact to reduce your emissions.  


I have recently joined ecoBiz, this is my first year, can I get my carbon snapshot?

At this stage, your carbon snapshot will only be calculated as part of your Partnership assessment. This assessment is carried out one year after your initial coaching session and requires you to provide your billing data covering the baseline year (the calendar or financial year prior to the coaching session) and data covering the assessment year (the calendar or financial year following the initial coaching session).  



Star Partners CO2 snapshot

I am an ecoBiz Star Partner. Does this mean my greenhouse gas emissions went down?

Not necessarily, if you have decreased your energy, water and waste use regardless of your productivity, then you will most likely have reduced your emissions compared to your baseline (carbon net reduction). However, as Star Partnership assessments are conducted on the basis of your energy, water, and waste intensity (i.e., amount of these resources per business output, measured by productivity unit), a Star Partnership doesn’t necessarily translate into a net carbon reduction. However, if you have achieved your Star Partnership in any of energy, water or waste, you will have avoided emissions related to each of the resource you achieved Star Partnership for compared to your baseline.  


I am an ecoBiz Star Partner. Why did my carbon emissions increase since my last assessment?

There are many reasons why this could be the case. Here are a few: 

  • Star Partnership compares your resource usage per business output compared to your baseline. You may have managed to reduce your resource usage compared to that baseline but not compared to your last assessment. 
  • While you have increased your efficiency per business output, your total emissions may have increased. 
  • Your previous assessment may have only included one type of resource (e.g. electricity), while you have now opted to also track other resources this year (e.g. fuel usage as well as waste). 
  • You may have reduced your usage in one of the resources but not the others. If the emissions reduction associated with that resource was no enough to compensate for emissions increases in the other resources your overall emissions would have increased.  

I am an ecoBiz Star Partner. Why is my avoided carbon emissions figure negative?

There are many reasons why this could be the case. Here are a few examples: 

  • You may have reduced your usage in one of the resources but not the others. If the emissions reduction associated with that resource was not enough to compensate for emissions increases in the other resources, your overall emissions would have increased.  
  • Your previous assessment may have only included one type of resource (e.g. electricity), while you have now opted to also track other resources this year (e.g. fuel usage as well as waste).So by tracking your other resources, you are now also tracking emissions related to those resources.  

Acknowledgement of Country

Business Chamber Queensland respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians of the lands from across Queensland and the Torres Strait. We acknowledge the Jagera and Turrbal people as the Traditional Custodians of Meanjin (Brisbane), the lands where our office is located and the place we meet, work and learn. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.