The ecoBiz program FAQs

Why should I sign up for the ecoBiz program?

Enhancing your business's sustainability can lead to real and positive outcomes for your business such as lower operating costs, winning government procurement contracts, attracting new investments or meeting the expectations of customers – all of which will ultimately lead to growing profitability and a thriving business. 


Benefits of the ecoBiz program: 

  • Access your data 24/7- including your business maturity and emissions 
  • Build your business capability in business sustainability maturity 
  • Continue to learn with our tools and resources as well as continue to grow your business maturity 
  • Increase business readiness through supply chains, align with reporting expectations and make more informed decisions about your carbon emissions and climate outcomes. 
  • Become an ecoBiz Star Partner 


I’m interested in the program. What happens next?

Register for the ecoBiz program here. It takes 2 minutes to complete the registration by completing a series of questions and creating your login and password. Once you’ve created your account, take a tour of the platform and dashboards.


How much does it cost to join the program? 

The ecoBiz program is completely free. The recommendations you'll be provided as part of your action plan will range from low to no cost but some may require more of an investment – but how much it costs and when you decide to spend that money is entirely up to you.


Do I need to be a Business Chamber Queensland member to participate?

No – the program is open to all Queensland businesses with up to 199 FTEs. 


Who can join ecoBiz?

The ecoBiz program has been running in Queensland for more than 10 years. Right now, around 800 businesses are participating, from small cafes and offices through to manufacturing and processing facilities. 


Is there any assistance available to help me through ecoBiz?

The ecoBiz program provides one on one support through:

  • A free site visit and coaching session with an expert ecoBiz consultant who will help identify areas you can improve around your business.
  • Carbon meeting to support you in understanding data needed to complete the carbon calculator and interpret the results.
  • Also our ecoBiz team members are available by phone or email if you have any queries. Phone 1300 731 988 or email [email protected]


What is a Star Partner?

To be eligible to become a Star Partner a business must show a 10% reduction in at least one of the following three categories: energy, water or waste across a 12-month period.  

If this is not applicable for the business, then the ecoBiz Sustainability Coach can recommend Star Partner status on a qualitative basis. 


What is the carbon snapshot? 

A carbon snapshot is an approximation of carbon emissions related to your energy, water and waste data you provided as part of your ecoBiz partnership assessment. This data is then calculated using the ecoBiz carbon tool to gather your carbon snapshot.  

It is useful as a starting point to your carbon emissions measurement journey and can help you make better informed decisions in relation to your carbon emissions. It is different from a comprehensive carbon footprint.


How do I complete the Industry Average Carbon Emissions Tool  

Enter your FTE (full-time employee) figures and total revenue. Once you’ve input the data, you’ll receive industry average emission data for your industry in your emissions dashboard for comparison. This is a beginner tool that introduces business to a basic carbon footprint for their business. However this tool cannot be used to compare year on year results or to demonstrate sustainability progress. 


How do I complete the Carbon Assessment? 

Complete the multiple-choice question quiz to test your knowledge of your business carbon emissions and sustainable operations. Once completed you’ll be provided with a curated learning pathway based on your carbon knowledge.  

As your knowledge grows, you’ll gain access to more advanced tools including the Carbon Calculator, a coaching session with a carbon coach and completing a decarbonisation report.  


How do I access the Carbon Calculator? 

The Carbon Calculator will be unlocked once your knowledge score reaches developing or above.  You will be prompted to provide data about your scope 1 and 2 emissions into the calculator. Once complete your emissions report will appear in your emissions dashboard. You can use the report to develop actions to reduce your emissions and create your decarbonisation plan (also available from your emissions dashboard).  

If you need support to identify the data required for the carbon calculator or interpret your results you can book a meeting with a carbon coach. 

Acknowledgement of Country

Business Chamber Queensland respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians of the lands from across Queensland and the Torres Strait. We acknowledge the Jagera and Turrbal people as the Traditional Custodians of Meanjin (Brisbane), the lands where our office is located and the place we meet, work and learn. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.