ecoBiz story – Sustainable Marketing Services » Business Chamber Queensland
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27 August 2024

Sustainable Marketing Services - The name says it all

Sustainable Marketing Services is a digital marketing agency that helps local businesses achieve sustainable long-term growth. With a name like that, it comes as no surprise that the Redlands-based business has a deep commitment to sustainability at all levels – especially environmental. While Sustainable Marketing Services have always adopted eco-friendly initiatives, they recognised the value of working with experts and joined the ecoBiz program in 2011. 

Founder and Director Maria Anderson says, “The ecoBiz program changed the DNA of our organisation. When I saw what ecoBiz offered, it was just a natural fit.” Maria has completed a Diploma of Sustainability and Carbon Accounting Course and says that sustainability has always been a core value of the business. She adds, “We believe sustainable business practices are good for organisations – it’s profitable, attracts loyal employees and builds trust in brands.  


A genuine triple bottom line approach

Sustainable Marketing Services have taken a genuine triple bottom line perspective. The triple bottom line theory goes beyond conventional financial business metrics, taking into account what is known as the three Ps – People, Planet and Prosperity. 

Maria elaborates, “For me, sustainability has always been about running a good business, looking after people, making a positive contribution to your community and using your resources wisely.” Maria walks the talk and volunteers as Commodore at the Little Ship Club on North Stradbroke Island, a popular not-for-profit venue at beautiful Dunwich. She has introduced an extensive range of sustainability initiatives at Little Ship too, showing a fierce determination to protect this very special part of the world. 


Sustainability is at the heart of every decision

Back on the mainland, sustainability was a driver in the decision of which office space to purchase. Ultimately the team chose a building with more natural light to reduce energy use and expenses. They also have the ability to share office space with other businesses, optimising resources and increasing revenue.


The ecoBiz coach is part of the team

The Sustainable Marketing Services team have taken full advantage of their ecoBiz personal coach. Like all businesses, Maria has faced some challenges, but ecoBiz has been there to support her. Maria says, “Small businesses just don’t have enough time but ecoBiz leads you through those hurdles. The ecoBiz coaches are so helpful even if you’re an experienced operator.” 

The ecoBiz partnership with Sustainable Marketing Services demonstrates that ecoBiz has something valuable to offer all businesses. Whether you’re just beginning on your sustainability journey, or like Sustainable Marketing Services, you have a long history of eco initiatives, it’s ecoBiz’s business to bring tailored, hands-on sustainability practices to your business. 


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