Public sector paid parental leave and superannuation update � Business Chamber Queensland
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Public sector paid parental leave and superannuation update

From 1 July 2024, superannuation will be paid for every week of the paid parental leave period for Queensland public sector employees [1].

This change has been introduced for public sector or government agency employees only including those who work in:

  1. Emergency services (e.g. Police)
  2. Public education
  3. Public hospitals

If you are a business operating in the private sector, you are currently not required to pay superannuation guarantee to employees on paid parental leave.

If you are still uncertain whether this change affects you contact our Workplace Advisory Services team.


From 1 July 2025

Earlier this year a change affecting the paid parental leave scheme was announced. Commencing 1 July 2025, the government will contribute superannuation on its funded paid parental leave [2].

This will impact private sector employers.

This change will affect your employees that have babies born or adopted after 1 July 2025. Notably, this additional contribution will be integrated into the overall Commonwealth paid parental leave amount, alleviating any direct financial burden to your business. Eligible employees accessing the Commonwealth paid parental leave will receive their regular payment alongside a 12% superannuation guarantee payment from the government.


[1]  Miles Government leads nation with new reproductive health leave entitlements – Ministerial Media Statements

[2]  Paying super on Government Paid Parental Leave to enhance economic security and gender equality | Ministers Media Centre (

Two parents on leave, smiling, and playing in their garden with their young child

author headshot
By Lorna Reid
Workplace Relations Consultant

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