Why become sustainable » Business Chamber Queensland

Why become sustainable

Adopting sustainable practices is recognised globally as the key to ensuring a positive future in not just business but every aspect of our lives. That’s why governments are committing to net zero targets and other environmental goals, consumers are demanding sustainable products, and corporations are actively seeking green ethical supply chains.

Let’s work together

At Business Chamber Queensland, we’re collaborating with businesses like yours to combine our collective power to drive change. Adopting sustainable corporate practices shouldn’t be seen as an expense. As well as leading to positive outcomes for the environment, sustainable innovations lift productivity and increase procurement opportunities.

Sustainability is an asset

Being a leader in implementing sustainable practices sets your business apart from your competition. While it positions your brand as being socially responsible, it also boosts efficiency and improves your ability to withstand challenges, win contracts and attract investment – all while benefiting the community and the environment.

Support to manage the changing times

The social and environmental expectations on business like yours, as well as accountability and transparency, are bringing unprecedented change and uncertainty. That’s why Business Chamber Queensland is here to support you. Guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, our team can provide pragmatic advice and practical strategies to enhance the environmental and social impact of your business.

Introducing our Sustainability Maturity Assessment


We understand the ESG landscape can be confusing. It can be difficult to know where to begin. A good place to start is right here. By spending a few minutes answering some questions you’ll be off to a flying start.   

Put simply, our Sustainability Maturity Assessment tool guides you through a series of questions about your business to gauge how progressed or ‘mature’ your business is in implementing sustainable practices.

The assessment only takes a few minutes to complete. Once completed you’ll be provided with simple next steps your business can take on its sustainability journey.