Alexandra Headlands SLSC » Business Chamber Queensland
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2 September 2024

Committed to sustainability - Between the Flags and Beyond

The famous Alexandra Headland Surf Lifesaving Club on the Sunshine Coast has been part of Business Chamber Queensland’s ecoBiz program since 2022. The management team at Alex, as the locals call the Club, understands the importance of community engagement and have brought the whole crew along on their sustainability journey. With more than 1,700 members riding the wave, sustainability is a priority at Alex.  

Tennille Wendt, the Club’s Grants Officer, said the club joined ecoBiz to be more sustainable, monitor their resource expenses and consider the environment in their decision making. “It’s so important for us to be sustainable and look after the beach because that’s the environment we work in, and our members train, volunteer and compete in.” 

“Our ecoBiz coach helps the Club look at our processes from a different point of view. It’s helped us be more adaptable.” 


No-one understands the value of teamwork like lifesavers

The team at Alex truly values teamwork and that’s built into the ecoBiz program. When a business registers with ecoBiz, they are teamed up with a dedicated sustainability coach to advise them on achievable steps to reduce water, energy and waste consumption. The Club taps into this resource and works closely with their ecoBiz coach, Jennifer Gearing. Tennille says, “Our ecoBiz coach helps the Club look at our processes from a different point of view. It’s helped us be more adaptable. We’re going to adjust more quickly and effectively in the future.”   


Always on patrol, searching for sustainable initiatives

The ecoBiz program has made the Club far more conscious of its electricity use and other ways to reduce resource costs and make sustainable improvements across the whole business – especially waste and recycling. 


We’ve gone surfing and recycling

Tennille explains, “We only had cardboard recycling and now we’ve changed to co-mingled recycling. By reviewing our waste contracts, we found moving to co-mingled recycling and changing our provider, we’ll save about $8,000 a year.  We’ve also reviewed our bottle and can recycling program. Switching to the free Containers for Change program will generate an extra estimated $30,000 in annual revenue/cost savings.” 

The Club is also looking at other ways to reduce their general waste and food waste disposal. They are also reviewing sustainability practices across the restaurant and bistro side of the business.    


100 more years of sun, surf and sustainability

For 100 years, Alexandra Headland Surf Life Saving Club has been the hub of the local community. By working in tandem with ecoBiz to incorporate new sustainability innovations the Club is certain to be around for 100 more. 

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ecoBiz is our free sustainability program, created in partnership with the Queensland Government to help businesses audit their resource use, manage carbon emissions and save on costs while reducing consumption of waste, water and energy.

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