ecoBiz story – Fergus Builders » Business Chamber Queensland
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Building a sustainable future

Fergus Builders is a Mackay-based building company with a rich history servicing regional Queensland communities. They are proud to have delivered some of the region’s most prominent builds. Joining the ecoBiz program in 2021, they are now a proud ecoBiz three-star partner, setting themselves up for a successful sustainable future with the guidance of ecoBiz. 

Fergus Builders employs more than 35 people with owners Adam Wright, Ben Hilder and Nathan Borg taking advantage of their personal ecoBiz coach. Adam explains, “With the ecoBiz coach, we stepped through what we were doing, and they gave us advice which was quite easy to implement. A conscious effort to follow this advice means the team is reducing emissions and saving money day-to-day.” 

“Not much goes to waste here, it doesn’t take much to recycle and brings us in some extra money.” 


One of the most significant initiatives was going solar. Adam says, “The business introduced solar electricity to help increase efficiencies and reduce the power bill, feeding a significant amount back into the grid. Being sustainable is the right thing to do. It doesn’t take a lot, what we do is basic, but it makes a difference.” 

Some of the recommendations from the ecoBiz coach programs include:  

  • Introducing solar electricity. 
  • Recycling material left over from projects. 
  • Recycle aluminum and steel. 
  • Adding two new recycling bins for paper and cardboard and building waste. 

Some of the benefits include: 

  • Reduced energy intensity by 20% 
  • Reduced water intensity by 35% 
  • Reduced waste intensity by 16% 
  • A happy, proud, motivated team. 

Says Adam, “Sustainability is at the forefront of our minds, and everybody does their part to chip in, especially in today’s environment where materials and other costs are increasing rapidly. Being conscious of waste and recycling helps lower the cost of doing business.”   

Fergus Builders is another ecoBiz sustainability success story and an example of how a few simple initiatives can make a difference to the environment and the company’s bottom line. 

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ecoBiz is our free sustainability program, created in partnership with the Queensland Government to help businesses audit their resource use, manage carbon emissions and save on costs while reducing consumption of waste, water and energy.

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